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Category: Live My Dreams

Rebuilding with Unwavering Faith – Part 2

As promised, here is Rebuilding with Unwavering Faith Part 2. If you have not had a chance to read Part 1, You can read it by clicking the link below: I want to read Rebuilding with Unwavering Faith Part 1 As I put part 2 into words, I want you…

Rebuilding with unwavering faith

I wish I could sum up my journey of rebuilding with unwavering faith in 1 blog post But, I can’t so I broke it down into multiple parts. Keep in mind that this is a story I just lived and resiliently pushing through. I’m not leaving…

The Power of Perspective: The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion

I woke up in great spirits today but my energy was low. I honored myself and paced my day around just getting 2 things done on my weekly intention list. Right before my late morning meeting call regarding my next international trip, I received a call from my son’s…

Imagine your BEST SELF

Who do you imagine your best self to be? I was featured in the “Imagine Me” spot light for Ladies Day Off. Their questions truly made me reflect on who I am as a woman from the outside looking in. I love moments when I get to connect who I…

How to stop comparing yourself to other successful women and embrace your own Greatness.

Confidence vs. Competitiveness! Woohhhh, Inhale/Exhale. As women this TOPIC is too REAL! We often compare ourselves to others that may appear to be more successful; while social media is the #1 tool to create a brand that may reflect who you portray yourself to be, but not who you…